The manufacturer and other say that battery like is reduced while using both speakers, so Foxpro has a switch on the side to turn off the unit’s built in horn type speaker. Though I have not used this feature yet, according to the directions you can plug in another speaker to spread the calls in several directions or use an amplified external speaker for volume. There are 2 jacks on the side, one is for an external speaker. Be aware that the unit is not waterproof. The main unit also sports a threaded adapter on the bottom to mount to a tripod or something else to elevate it off the ground. You will need a USB wire if you choose this route, there is not one included. There are two compartments in the main unit, 1 for the batteries (Foxpro suggests a 20+ hour runtime on fresh batteries), and 1 for the SD card / downloading / uploading jack (USB 2.0 port). There are also built in loops for adding a carrying strap if so desired. The unit has a built in handle, though a little tight if wearing heavy gloves, but not enough to really be concerned about. The batteries are not rechargeable in the unit if rechargeable batteries are preferred. Comparable in size to a cheap 4 D cell or 12V flashlight. I can say that with the batteries (4 AA) in it, it is very light weight, compact, and easy to carry even in a small backpack. I’ll spare photos as there are a ton of them and videos alike on several vendors of the call, along with the specifications on dimentions and weight. To start the Wildfire comes with the main unit. Programming and switching SD cards allows limitless amount of calls to be used, or specific species cards could be made and used. The call comes with 35 calls programed, with the ability to store 200. More on downloading / uploading additional calls later.
It has a ton of features and adaptability, even more than what is commonly advertised or talked about in other reviews, is very portable and light, has a very good range and volume, and is adaptable to upload your favorite MP3, WAV, and Foxpro calls. The Wildfire lists for around $200.00, and so far I’ve found it to be worth every penny, and is shortly going to be taking the place of my other cheap E calls. However after a few gift certificates I decided on getting a Wildfire, and after tinkering with it, I can say that I should have spent the money on one years ago. Being of a “thrifty” (cheap) nature I generally would not normally plunk down X amount of cash on anything without researching an item to death, and also being of a thrifty nature, would probably not plunk down a lot of cash on a call that I’d probably only use casually or on a seasonal basis. I had the oppurtunity to purchase a Foxpro Wildfire electronic call. First off (disclaimer) - This review is not a paid endorsement or advertisement from or for any company, nor have I any affiliation with any of the companies of the topic product(s) or any other product(s) shown, or have interests in their competitors if an unfavorable review – just my opinion - for what that is worth.